AI Act

EU proposes harmonized rules on artificial intelligence to balance innovation and protection
EU Legislation
AI Ethics

Benefits of AI while addressing potential risks

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High-impact sectors identified as key areas for regulation - EU committed to preserving technological leadership and upholding fundamental rights The European Union has put forth a proposal for a Regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) that seeks to establish harmonized rules to govern the rapidly evolving technology. The proposal aims to strike a balance between harnessing the benefits of AI and addressing potential risks and negative consequences. Proposal aims to harness the benefits of AI while addressing potential risks AI has the potential to bring about significant economic and societal benefits across various industries. By improving prediction, optimizing operations, and personalizing service delivery, AI can support socially and environmentally beneficial outcomes. However, the same elements and techniques that power these benefits can also pose risks and negative consequences for individuals and society. The EU's proposal aims to ensure a balanced approach that maximizes the advantages of AI while mitigating potential harm

European Commision
Proclamation Date
April 2022
Effective Date

High-impact sectors identified as key areas for regulation

Recognizing the importance of regulating AI in sectors with high impact,the proposal highlights climate change, environment and health, public sector,finance, mobility, home affairs, and agriculture as areas that require specificattention. The regulations will address the unique challenges and risksassociated with AI deployment in these sectors, ensuring that the benefits arerealized while safeguarding against potential harm.


EU committed to preserving technological leadership and upholding fundamental rights

The EU is committed to preserving its technological leadership and ensuring that Europeans can benefit from new technologies developed in line with Union values, fundamental rights, and principles. The proposal emphasizes the need for AI systems to operate in accordance with these values, promoting transparency, accountability, and adherence to fundamental rights. As the proposal for harmonized rules on AI moves forward, stakeholders from various sectors have expressed general agreement on the need for action. However, concerns have been raised regarding potential overregulation and conflicting obligations. The proposed regulations aim to strike a delicate balance, fostering innovation while safeguarding individuals and society in the era of artificial intelligence.

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