Frictionless compliance

Ensure the trustworthiness of your AI systems. Comply with regulatory mandates. Safeguard against future legal risks.

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Why oxethica?

A trustworthy-first approach to AI systems

At oxethica, we view AI regulation as a positive lever that can enhance the long-term competitiveness of organisations by showcasing the trustworthiness of their AI systems.

Legally compliant

We prioritise compliance with key regulations, such as GDPR and the Product Safety Directive, to ensure the highest levels of trustworthiness for your AI solutions.

Technically robustT

We ensure technical robustness by following established processes for developing, testing and validating AI systems, addressing key issues like bias and extreme values.

Ethically sound

We assure AI ethical soundness, assessing it against your firm's norms and values. If there are conflicting norms, we help you achieve a conscious compromise for each use case.

A digital platform for frictionless compliance

Our digital tool, AI-conform, minimises the cost and effort of complying with the EU's Artificial Intelligence Act. Our mission is to help organisations leverage the upcoming regulatory mandate to drive continuous improvement. We regularly update our platform with the latest AI ethics research and regulatory changes, minimising future compliance risks.

Global regulation is coming!

Our development partners

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