AI ethical failures

Published on
June 26, 2023
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A phenomenological perspective on AI ethical failures

In an era dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) adoption, companies are increasingly exposed to ethical crises and damaging public controversies surrounding its use. However, despite the prevalence of AI ethical concerns, many companies find themselves ill-prepared to effectively respond to public scrutiny.

To shed light on this issue, a recent study conducted a comparative case analysis of four major technology companies, examining their responses to public outcry over their facial recognition programs. The study not only highlighted the unfolding nature and consequences of public controversies surrounding this emerging technology, but also identified four key types of company responses: Deflection, Improvement, Validation, and Pre-emption.

These findings underscore the urgent need for companies to navigate the ethical challenges associated with controversial technologies. Without a proactive and well-thought-out response strategy, companies risk tarnishing their reputation and losing public trust.

The study serves as a crucial stepping stone for future research, offering insights into the management of contentious technology and the ethical considerations surrounding AI. As AI continues to reshape various industries, understanding and addressing these ethical dilemmas will be imperative for companies striving to strike a balance between innovation and responsible practices.

Publication Date
January 1, 2023
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